Jack of all trades/Mechanical EIT. A man on a mission to enjoy life. Also slightly crazy due to constant mechanical engineering theory exposure. Currently working on harnessing solar energy to become the Overlord of Earth. Progress: -1%


Mechanical EIT

Ontario, Canada

Joined on 1/30/08

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Warrior-STH's News

Posted by Warrior-STH - February 22nd, 2012

It's been a while, loving the new design.

Ah what the hell, life's a party! Until someone has too much to drink, then life is a spiraling hell that makes you worship the porcelain goddess.

And strangely enough, Imhotep.

I swear to God, that actually happened...

In other news, I'm baaaaaack... Fresh and ready from my self-imposed exi- I mean, hiatus...Ah yeah, let's go with that.

Anyways... yes, I'm back. Mixing once again after reading the reviews from my wonderful (-ly small) fanbase. So to everyone who took the time in their otherwise busy schedule to come and review my crap (whether good or bad),

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Now with the sentimental stuff out of the way, time for business. I did a take on Corridors of Time from Chrono Trigger... And even though everyone and their mother mixed the ever-loving shit out it, I decided to try it myself. Check the link, see what you think, and let me know if it stinks.*


*Please note that feedback is appreciated if it stinks.

Also have another mix in the post-production phase and it should be released tomorrow. This one's from Final Fantasy VII. Won't give it away yet, but I think it's a good one. Takes inspiration from a few of my older tracks, in terms of simplicity. It's a direction I'm going for from now on. Most of my stuff is way too complicated so I'm going for a more simple approach.

Anybody here interested in cars? And live in the GTA??? (Greater Toronto Area for you non-Canadians out there). Well check out this guy's stuff!

http://www.youtube.com/user/REVOLUTIONSGTA/video s

While this son of a b- I mean, wonderful, awesome friend of mine doesn't upload episodes very often (in fact, never is the key word in this case...), some of it is very informative regarding car and motorcycle culture in the mysterious land of Toronto! If you can, take some time to watch an episode or two, leave some feedback for the guy. He'll really appreciate it.**

**And I get paid a stipend for any comments left on the Motorcycle show episodes, because hey, I helped film it! :D

Ok, well it's time to go. I'm due for my crazy pills. Moral of today's story kiddies; never miss your medications.

Also, kitty phace!


EDIT: Second mix is up! Check it out NOW!

Posted by Warrior-STH - April 2nd, 2010

Heheh... as you all know, yesterday was April Fool's Day...

Now, I kinda was confused about the whole KevinBacon thing... but i guess in my exam/thesis-driven, sleep-deprived state, I didn't realize that it was an April Fool's joke till AFTER I submitted a review.

So yeah... I got duped... BAD lol.

Dr. Waldo... sorry if the review for your latest track was a bit odd. In actuallity, I loved it! ZX tunes are always awesome!

And the rest of the community... well you have my permission to make fun of me for my apparent lack of sense about April Fool's (What can I say? When you got a thesis due, you tend to forget... well, just about everything lol).

In other news, the next track I'm (trying) to work on will be track number 20! A milestone in my book! ...I'm just gonna wait till I finish university before I start tackling this behemoth. That shouldn't take long since this is MY LAST YEAR!!!!! YAHOO!!!

So, to sum up: I got duped. I'm graduating this year and I'll pump out a track when I finish. And I have a job lined up, starting on the first week of May. Life's looking up...

... Now if only I had more sense... lol

Anyways, must write thesis (which is slowly sucking my soul out...). Signing off!


Posted by Warrior-STH - September 28th, 2009

Wow... Today I feel very honored...

Someone on Newgrounds named ANORAX sent me a message saying he wants to make a video to advertise newgrounds on Youtube and get people to come check out the way past cool stuff on it (like games, vids, music and more!), and he asked me if he could use one of my tunes (Specifically, the Chillin' at Apotos ~SU mix :D) to play as background music.

Suffice to say, its a nice vid! And this guy is nice enough to cite me, which is pretty important when you're talking about copyright infringement. I and probably many artists like myself know the importance of copyright infringement; we work our asses off to make you guys good music/movies/games etc, so cut us some slack, ask us permission to use our stuff before you post it as your own. If you do this properly, you might make someoen else feel pretty good about themselves (not to mention, increase their artistic cred ;) ).

And thats today's public service announcement!

Check out this link if you feel up to watching it!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpZdVU9 Huig&feature =channel_page

See ya at the next mix,


Posted by Warrior-STH - July 21st, 2009

Hey, it's been a while. Hope everyone's enjoying my mixes so far.

Life so far has been pretty good to me and it shows through my recent mixes and through you guys as fans of my work. Thanks to everyone for your support.

Thanks especially goes to Dj Sonik for helpin' me out and collabing and teaching me new things about music production. If you're reading this dude then yo, let's collab again! :D

For the next few months, don't expect much in terms of music. I'm finishing college come next May 2010 and things are gonna get pretty intense in that time. Hope you guys understand.

Music is not my only passion; it is but one of many that I pursue in order to gain enlightenment on the nature of life...


Or some shit like that. But ya get the picture...

On top of music, I got things to draw, stories to write and mechanical drawings to analyze in order to not fail and not lose my future job lol.

Yeah, my birthday was last week, but meh. Once you turn 22, birthdays are irrelevant (unless you get something from your girlfriend, which I did, and it was awesome :D). I'm getting old, so there's a lot less time to do the things I wanna do... And music is one of them.

I'm not lookin to be huge; I'm just a guy who wants to make people happy through my various talents. Hopefully, I'm putting a smile on your face right now.


Whether its through my lame-ass writing or my mixes. Either one works. As long as my fans are satisfied :P lol

Anyways, later, catch you all at my next mix!


Posted by Warrior-STH - August 9th, 2008

Seems like people like my mixes so far... That's always a good sign! :D

Lately, I've been partying like crazy, since it was my cousin's wedding and everything. Had to throw a speech and my voice is gone, not to mention my throat is sore like heck...

But it still gave me some time to rework some of my mixes! And submit a new one... even tho i've been working on it for ages.

First up, it's a reworking of my original Area A mix! Didn't get to talk to Zero-Resurrection much, but judging from the reviews I've got from many of you, it was either too loud, or not a proper dance track, so I took the time to re-tool it. It sounds a heck lot different from my previous mix! For one, its not as sound intense; its a lot softer on the ears and doesn't peak as much during the main parts. I guess that's all I'll say on that part! You'll just have to see for yourself what I've changed! :D

Second of all, regarding my Chemical Plant mix, I also remastered it and (I think) removed the echo everyone kept complaining about. It took a long time to figure out the problem, but problem solved :D. I think this should satisfy everyone now! Other than that, nothing else changed; the composition is still the same.

Finally, I'm bringing a new mix to the table, except for me, its an old one which I made a while ago, possibly a year to two years ago I started this mix. Its a small one, barely two minutes long, as opposed to my other mixes, but I think it turned out pretty good. This was before I started doing a lot of the usual mixing you've all seen me do for a while now. Big hint tho; Its a piano piece with added bass and percussion, no serious synths. I'll let you figure out what it is when you listen. And that will be later today, when I wake up again, cuz where I'm at, its 3:00 AM and I'm kinda tired. So I'll end here. Hopefully you enjoy these new additions when they come out!


Posted by Warrior-STH - July 13th, 2008

Hey! Warrior-STH here. Celebrating my birthday today, July 13, 2008! I'm freaking 21 now! Legal everywhere!


Too bad I ain't ever gonna do anything serious like that lol... I'm not that kinda guy... :P

Turning 21, I reflect upon the past up until now and I'm glad I made the decision to showcase my work on Newgrounds, builds up a lot of self-confidence for me y'know? And ever since joining, I replied to a lot of new ppl who either liked or didn't like my work. Their words helped me become a better mixer in general, so Thanks Dudes! Plus I made some cool friends here, like the amazing Saku, who collabed with me for the Marble Garden Zone Mix (Very awesome track by the way, check it out when you got time!), and right now, the awesome and legendary (well, in my honest opinion that is...) Zero-Resurrection is giving me tips on how to improve one of my previous mixes... in fact it's my first, so heads up all you Megaman ZX fans! An all new, updated Area A mix is coming!


Hopefully soon lol :P Nah, I'm gonna make sure it'll be the best mix of your life! Count on it!

Also, coming soon to a portal near you (LOL I sound like the theater trailer dude... :P), Two new mixes I'm bringin' to the table: A Tales of the Abyss mix (Meaning of Birth, one of the most awesome tracks in the game, if you've never played the game, PLAY IT! It will consume your life! And it's AWESOME!) and... well an experimental remix.

I've taken parts of songs from Sonic 2 and 3, a hint of Metal Gear Solid, a little sprinkle of Final Fantasy VII, a itty-bitty, teeny-tiny helping of Megaman X4 and finally, a dash of Tales of the Abyss, sizzled them with an awesome beat and cooked up something interesting! This and the Tales of the Abyss mix are in the final stages of completion, so get ready for them! I'm personally proud of them actually...

SO, while your waiting, you can make my B-day a lot better by listening and reviewing my music! There maybe something there that can please you a lot, so give it a shot!

And remember, Take it eazy dudes, relax and enjoy fun in the hot, July 13th sun!


Posted by Warrior-STH - March 10th, 2008

Its only been... a couple months?? Meh. Already I'm makin plans on a collab! DUDE! It's my first ever collab, I'm so excited I'm literally jumping off my seat!


Or it could just be the mass amount of sugar I devoured due to loss of blood (blood tests.. yknow?).



I won't say nothing right now, just know that its gonna blow you away! :P

Enjoy my mixes!


Posted by Warrior-STH - January 30th, 2008


I just submitted my first audio. Should be here in a day or so... check it out when you get the chance to.

Subject Matter: Megaman Series "Megaman ZX"
Song: Area A
Date Submitted: 01/30/08
Category: Video Games
Length: 3:38

Hope you enjoy it.


Posted by Warrior-STH - January 30th, 2008


Visting this site too much + making music + having a sudden urge to share said music to the world...


My current position right now :)

Welcome people, to My World
